Bangladesh is one of the promising countries towards attaining SDGs on action to end the poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity for all people by 2030. To attain the goal, sustainable finance plays a significant role. Sustainable Finance covers Green Finance including Agriculture, CMSME and Socially Responsible Finance linked to sustainability.
Socially Responsible Finance is financing that supports actions mitigating or addressing a specific social issue and seeking to achieve positive social outcomes. The project categories include but are not limited to, providing or promoting basic infrastructure, access to essential services, affordable housing, employment generation, food security, socioeconomic advancement and empowerment. Our mission is to reach the wider section of people towards inclusive, sustainable and quality growth. As such our moto is “A Bank for Financial Inclusion”.
Trust Bank PLC is always concerned for social and environmental impact of its investments. The bank is doing business with an objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by any manner. In-house green policies and practices are another part of becoming environment friendly bank.
The rapid change in climate (one of the major threats in today’s world) will be too great to allow many eco-systems to suitably adapt, since the change have direct impact on biodiversity, agriculture, forestry, dry land, water resources and human health. Due to unusual weather pattern, rising greenhouse gas, declining air quality etc. society demands that business also take responsibility in safeguarding the planet.
Our commitment is to sustainable investment which has strengthened Green Financing strategy in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals on affordable and clean energy, economic growth and climate action. We verify it through a mandatory social and environmental screening process in our project financing activities. During the year, we disbursed BDT 4,398.03 million in green finance and BDT 88,925.15 million in sustainable finance with a goal of low-carbon economy.
In the year 2023, Trust Bank Ltd. has been recognized as one of the Seven Banks in the "Sustainability Rating 2022”. This rating has been declared by Bangladesh Bank based on the Bank’s performance on four indicators which are Sustainable Finance, Green Refinance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Core Banking Sustainability.
Major achievement:

Trust Bank PLC is concerned with social and environmental impacts of its investments and in-house green management to become sustainable investment friendly bank. Trust Bank PLC has been conducting banking business in those areas and in such a manner that helps the overall reduction of carbon emission by its customers as well as from own operations. Sustainable finance is often understood both as “doing good and doing well‟.
Trust Bank sustainable financing position up to December, 2023

The Sustainable Finance Unit (SFU) of the bank ensures that funds are properly administered and disbursed in accordance with the bank’s vision, objectives, and areas of focus. We have a well-defined structure for reviewing and monitoring our CSR initiatives. The SFU of the bank has created policy guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility and processes to monitor and evaluate our CSR programs. This not only helps in designing the target group but also in monitoring and evaluating the program in a structured way.