Asset Liability Management (ALM) is an integral part of Bank Management. The responsibility of Asset Liability Management primarily lies with Treasury Division (Treasury Front Office) of the bank who co-ordinates balance sheet (asset liability) risk management. However, Bank must have a committee comprising of the senior management of the Bank to make important decisions related to the Balance sheet of the Bank. This team of senior management is typically called the Asset Liability Management Committee (ALCO). ALCO should meet at least once every month to analyze, review and formulate strategy to manage the Balance Sheet. Head of Treasury is the member secretary of ALCO. Through ALM our Bank mainly aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Managing the Balance Sheet
- Growth in assets & liabilities
- Containment of risk in a coherent manner
- Stability and consistency in earnings and
- Profitability
ALCO holds the most important responsibility of a bank as it runs the risks for not only the bank, but also the thousands of depositors who put money into it. Specifically, the Asset Liability Management (ALM) desk under Treasury Division will manage the balance sheet. The results of balance sheet analysis along with recommendations will be placed in each ALCO meeting by the Treasurer (Head of Treasury) where important decisions will be made to minimize risk and maximize returns. ALM desk, through its own market research and market intelligence presents the market outlook throughout the year, that gives an explicit idea about the market liquidity for availing market opportunities for loans and advances, investments as well as for fund deployment in alternative forms. The desk helps in pricing the products of both assets and liabilities to gain the competitive advantage from the market movement. It also presents the bank’s overall financial position in front of the ALCO members to formulate an effective investment and fund management strategy for the bank.