Trust Suchana (A Partial Secured Loan)

Trading, Manufacturing, Service, Agro-based Industries etc. Additionally, customers who are enjoying OD loan facilities, high volume of loan (more than BDT,3.00 crore) from Bank and NBFIs, no history of overdue, large volume of exporter and importer (L/C), significant amount of account transaction, own Bank and other Bank’s customer/priority customers will be the target group for availing loan above BDT. 30.00 Lac to BDT 40.00 Lac.


  1. Purpose:
    1. To meet up working capital requirement and/ or
    2. To acquire fixed assets to set up business units/industries/ expansion of existing business – repair & renovation, and/ or expansion of commercial property for rental purpose.
  1. Facility Type: Term Loan, Time Loan, Single Installment Loan (SIL).
  2. Loan Tenor:
  3. For Term Loan: 12-60 months
  4. For Time Loan/Single Installment Loan: 03-12 Month.
  5. Loan Amount Minimum BDT 05.00 Lac, Maximum BDT 50.00 Lac.
  6. Interest Rate: As advised by Head Office from time to time.
  7. Margin: 10%-20% of disbursed amount to be kept as Mandatory Deposit depending on banker’s customer’s relation relationship.
  8. Security/ Collateral:
    1. No collateral.
    2. 10%-20% of disbursed amount to be kept as Security.
    3. Hypothecation of Stock, Receivable, Machineries, etc.
    4. Personal & Spouse Guarantee.
    5. 3rd Party Guarantee.
    6. Post/Undated cheque.
    7. Insurance Coverage (if required).
  9. Guarantor: Minimum 02 Guarantors are required:
    1. Family/First Party Guarantor
    2. Strong 3rd Party Guarantor.


  1. Business Owner with existing secured loan facility, with or without high CIB implications.
  2. Landlord of proposed business premises/ Go-down / Factory. 
  3. Prominent Business Owner/landlord of surrounding market or locality.
  4. Gov’t Service holder.
  5. Bank employee or Service Holder with required net worth.
  6. Respectable/Influential person who has the ability to persuade customer.
  7. Any other person that seems appropriate by business & credit.
  8. 3rd party guarantor must have personal Assets and minimum Net worth must be 120% of proposed proposal limit.
  1. Proprietorship/ Partnership/ PVT LTD Co.
  2. Minimum 01 Year operation is required after transferring from Proprietorship to Limited Company.
  3. Minimum 02(Two) Years of continuous business upto BDT. 30.00 Lac
  4. Loan amount above BDT. 30.00 Lac to BDT. 50.00 Lac, business age should be 03-05 Years.
  5. Age Limit: Minimum - 20 years, Maximum - 60 Years.
  1. Valid & Updated Trade License/ Partnership Deed/ Certificate of Incorporation/ MOA.
  2. National ID/Smart Card
  3. TIN/VAT Certificate
  4. Bank Statement
  5. Company Seal
  6. Photograph
  7. Updated CIB
  8. Any other Documents (If required).