SME Banking

Trust Projukti

Loan for Light Engineering

Specially designed for potential customers who are involved in light engineering business.Any proprietorship concern, partnership or private…

Trust Bank

For setting Solar Mini-grid plant to produce electricity to the rural dwellers, workshop or small scale of commercial concerns where electricity yet to rich.

Trust Bank

CMSME loan product for New and Innovative entrepreneurs. It is designed in line with Bangladesh Bank SMESPD Circular No – 04, Dt: Marche 29, 2021. The purpose of the product is…

Trust Bank

Trading, Manufacturing, Service, Agro-based Industries etc. Additionally, customers who are enjoying OD loan facilities, high volume of loan (more than BDT,3.00 crore) from Bank and NBFIs, no…

Trust Nondini

Fulfilling the dreams of Women Entrepreneurs

Trust Nondini (Women Entrepreneurship Loan): Any Bangladeshi Women Entrepreneur (with minimum skills and specific…

Trust Ekota

Small Entrepreneurs Group (for Both Male and Female). Trust Ekota specially designed for group of small entrepreneurs (i.e. Nakshikatha, Tribal tant, pottery, bamboo & cane…

Trust Bunon

Potential customers involved in Power loom/ Hand loom or other allied industries that are engaged with manufacturing of Sharee, Lungee and related other traditional wears.