Trust Maxmill Deposit Scheme
- Account can be opened in the name of an individual only, applicant must have a SB/Current/TUD account with TBL.
- Account can be opened for 3, 5, 7 or 10 years.
Opening Balance: BDT 1000/― only
First Cheque Book Free
Profit Rate:0.25% p.a. higher than the Mudaraba Savings Account provisional profit rate [may be changed from time to time as decided by ALCO] Profit will be credited on monthly basis Profit will be applied on monthly average balance.
Import business
Import business is predominantly conducted through Letter of Credit. A letter of Credit (LC) is a written undertaking given by the Bank to a seller / exporter to the effect that the Bank will pay the seller a certain amount stipulated in the LC, provided that the seller complies with the terms and conditions of the LC. The Bank issues the LC mainly under the following contractual concepts:
Export business